5 tips to improve communication on your projects

5 tips to improve communication on your projects

Effective communication is key to the success of any IT project. It’s essential for project managers to ensure that all team members and stakeholders are on the same page and understand the goals, progress and challenges of the project. Here are 5 tips to improve effective communication on your IT projects:

Set clear communication expectations at the start of the project. This means identifying the key stakeholders, their roles and responsibilities, and how they will be communicated with throughout the project.

Use the right communication tools. Email, instant messaging, and project management software are all great tools to help keep everyone informed and up-to-date, but choose what works best for your team. I am a big fan of MS Teams Announcements feature to communicate project artifacts by pinning them to a channel.

Communicate regularly and frequently. Keep stakeholders informed of project progress and any changes to the schedule or budget. This is key and oftentimes where I see other less experienced PMs faulter.

Encourage open and transparent communication. Make sure that team members feel comfortable raising concerns or issues, and that they know they will be heard.

Listen actively. Make sure that you are really listening to what team members and stakeholders have to say and take their input into consideration when making decisions.

So to finish off this post, effective communication is essential for the success of any IT project. By incorporating the above tips for communication into your daily work activity you can greatly improve the chances of success for your projects.

Happy project managing!🙂