A working guide to project success

A working guide to project success

A working guide to project success:

Here are some tips to help you on your project management journey. This is definitely not a comprehensive list but rather a good helicopter view to help you identify areas of strengths and weaknesses.

  1. At the start of your projects, make sure everything and everyone in the project knows how they are going to work together – How will A connect up with B to achieve C? Do your project team members know what their roles and responsibilities are on the project?
  2. Define and control what the project will do – Defining your baseline project scope is vital to being able to effectively manage it and identify scope creep.
  3. Make a schedule and keep track of how the project is doing – I wrote an earlier blog post about the importance of planning and taking the time to create your baseline scheduleπŸ˜‹
  4. Stay within the budget and spend money wisely – Get on top of your financials from the beginning.
  5. Make sure the project meets the quality standards – Whether quality is baked into your processes or its sequenced should still be documented.
  6. Use the resources you have in the best way – you may have the best team in the world, but if you keep reprioritising their workload, they will quickly get frustrated and output will suffer.
  7. Keep everyone informed about what’s going on – communication is key! I wrote a previous post about ways to improve your communication on projects and its one of the areas that I cannot emphasize enough.
  8. Plan for things that might go wrong and fix them – running proper risk identification sessions and continually reviewing and documenting new risks as they arise is so important.
  9. Get what you need from outside sources – vendors are in business for a reason, they want to deliver successful projects for their clients just like you. Make sure that deliverables are clearly captured so that all parties are aligned on delivery.
  10. Listen to what the people who care about the project have to say and keep them happy – Combined with communication, planning effective stakeholder engagement and providing them with the right level of project visibility can directly impact your project success.

Happy project managing! πŸ™‚