Level up your meetings

Engaging stakeholders at the right level is one of the most important skills to learn and master to get the most out of the finite time we all have on our projects. It’

PowerToys for Productivity

One of the tools I have thoroughly been enjoying of late to increase my productivity is Microsoft’s PowerToys. Here are some of my favourites I use on a daily basis. The colour

What’s your Hybrid?

As project managers we love our definitions. Our definition of done. Our measures of success, our detailed schedules, our work breakdown structures, our defined scope or product backlogs. We navigate the grey areas

Starting your day off right – The WFH edition

If you live on planet earth and have been paying attention to the news lately, you, like me and a lot of fortunate people were able to work from home during COVID-19. Even

Visualizing projects in office timeline

One of the tools I have been using for some time now which can really help you create a beautiful visualization of your Gantt chart for your projects is Office Timeline – https://www.