PowerToys for Productivity

PowerToys for Productivity

One of the tools I have thoroughly been enjoying of late to increase my productivity is Microsoft’s PowerToys. Here are some of my favourites I use on a daily basis.

The colour picker is a great tool. I would have loved this tool when I used to dabble with web design in WordPress, using Adobe Indesign, Illustrator to create flyers and logos. I used to use a tool called Fount which was a web browser extension. Having this natively in Windows 10 now is awesome.


I am a big fan of using the Windows Keyboard Key in conjunction with my Arrow keys to reposition my various windows and open tabs I have on my pc. Now with Fancy zones I am able to optimise my screen real estate.


This one should almost be at the top of my list! File explorer add-ons allow me to preview documents in a preview pane which is ideal for quickly looking at documents and then using this feature in conjunction with the Power Rename feature.


Have you ever had thousands of photos stored on your OneDrive or hard drive? And have they been renamed for easy file navigation? If you are like me, I have thousands of photos which are do not follow any naming conventions. Well PowerRename can solve this! And awesome feature for renaming bulk files!


Those are just a few of some of the awesome features I use on a daily basis to enhance my daily computing experience. If you want to learn more there is some great documentation on powertoys here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/

Happy productivity!