9 things being a project manager will teach you

9 things being a project manager will teach you

Project management is a dynamic and rewarding career path that offers numerous opportunities for growth and professional development. I have learnt so much in the past decade of being a project manager which I am so grateful for! Skills and lessons that I continue to use to this day. We all love some good lessons learned so let's explore some here.

  1. Leadership skills: Project managers play such a crucial role in leading teams and guiding projects. Leadership is also a subject and skill area close to my heart, which I wrote a post about here🙂 If you have a natural inclination for leadership and enjoy motivating and coordinating people, being a PM provides the perfect platform to showcase your skills and make a positive impact.
  2. Problem-Solving Skills: If you thrive on solving complex problems and finding innovative solutions, then you have stepped on the right path. Every project comes with its unique set of challenges, such as budget constraints, resource limitations, and tight deadlines. As a PM, you get to flex your problem-solving muscles and devise strategies to overcome these obstacles.
  3. Broad Industry Knowledge and exposure: Even though I am an IT project manager, I have worked across various industries and sectors ranging from healthcare, finance through to the Energy sector, and both private and public sectors. This diverse exposure allows you to explore different fields and expand your expertise and knowledge.
  4. Continuous Learning: Project management is a field that requires continuous learning and development. From mastering new tools and techniques to keeping up with industry trends and best practices, there's always something new to learn. This constant learning ensures that your skills remain relevant and allows for personal and professional growth.
  5. Collaboration and Networking - sense of community: Project management involves working with cross-functional teams, stakeholders, and clients. This collaborative environment provides excellent networking opportunities, enabling you to connect with professionals from diverse backgrounds and build lasting relationships. This sense of community is also one of the key areas for self-compassion. I wrote a post about that here🙂 These connections can open doors to exciting career prospects and new avenues for growth.
  6. Opportunity and Growth: In today's fast-paced world, businesses need skilled project managers to ensure successful project delivery. By becoming a project manager, you gain valuable expertise that are in high demand. The demand for project managers is expected to continue growing, providing you with abundant growth opportunities and work.
  7. Transferable Skills: Project management equips you with a wide range of transferable skills that are valuable in any professional setting. These skills include communication, organization, problem-solving, negotiation, and time management to name a few. Having industry knowledge from point 2 above definitely helps! Regardless of whether you choose to remain in project management or transition to another field, these skills will always be in demand.
  8. Fulfilment: Successfully leading a project from start to finish brings a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. As a project manager, you have the opportunity to witness the tangible results of your efforts. This feeling of achievement can be incredibly satisfying and motivating especially when you achieve a level of mastery that you begin to choose projects that mean something to you.
  9. Making a Difference: Project managers have the power to make a positive impact on organizations and communities. By successfully managing projects we contribute to the growth and success of companies, bring value to clients, and even influence society as a whole. Knowing that your work makes a difference can provide a strong sense of purpose and fulfillment.

For whatever reasons motivated you to start this journey, it won't all be fun and games, but with the right mindset and a healthy attitude towards yourself and others, you can have all these benefits while staying happy and healthy🙂