Lead by Courage

Lead by Courage

In the realm of projects you will inevitably run into situations where you may think you are not equipped for the challenge ahead. If you have learnt from your experience, put in the hours of study and worked on a solid plan of action then you will have the ticket of admission only. If that sounds scary to you, good. Just like projects, life too can have the most well-thought out plans but they will rarely go exactly according to your perfect scenario. But it’s not all doom and gloom and battles between dragons when things ultimately don’t go according to plan. Enter: courage.

So what is courage? The standard definition of courage is the ability to do something that frightens you. Courage stands tall as a beacon of strength, resilience, and determination. It is the defining trait that separates exceptional leaders from the rest. However this is where the true kicker comes in for project managers and for all who are leading teams. Courage is more importantly about embracing vulnerability, taking risks, and inspiring others.

It’s about acknowledging and accepting the potential risks and uncertainties that lie ahead, yet summoning the strength to move forward regardless.

We need to embrace and understand the power of vulnerability. By embracing our own vulnerability, we set the stage for open communication, collaboration, and growth within our teams. As project managers, or even the project managers of our lives, we will never know everything about everything, and its not our jobs to. But having the courage to ask questions, to look ‘stupid’ and to not let your ego prevent your ability to learn and solve problems for yourself and your teams. People will appreciate your authenticity and respect you far more than pretending to know it all to protect your ego, and inhibit your learning.

We need to be willing to take calculated risks and make difficult decisions. Understanding that progress and innovation always require stepping outside of our comfort zones.

We empower our team members to unleash their full potential when we cultivate this type of environment. An environment that encourages personal and professional growth. You may not see this right away, and don’t expect a thank you. (read my other post explaining this growth mindset here😋).

True courage lies in the ability to embrace failure as an opportunity for growth. (Read my other post on self-compassion for self-improvement to learn more about this aspect here). You either win or you learn. You learn far more through failure than through success, and failure fosters a continuous growth mindset.

And lastly, we have all heard the ‘Lead by example’ bit of advice. This has never sat well with me as it implies to me that you already know everything. Instead I would like to challenge this saying.

When faced with adversity we need to remain steadfast and maintain a positive attitude, showing others that setbacks are merely stepping stones on the path to success. Letting courage and humility fuel your leadership style. It’s about having the courage to look stupid, to foster respect through not knowing all the answers but by having the skills and the tenacity to find those answers. It is this inspiring journey that transforms us into exceptional people capable of steering teams and our lives towards success.

So I challenge you to embrace vulnerability and lead by courage on your journey and inspire others to do the same.

For it’s through the act of courage that we make the lasting impact on what matters to us most.